Garn, Heidi | Teacher
Mrs. Heidi Garn studied at Southern Utah University and Weber State. She earned her bachelor degree in Biological Science and earned her Environmental Science, Biotechnology, Health Science, Medical Forensics, and Medical Anatomy and Physiology endorsements. Mrs. Garn has taught 2 years in a brick and mortar high school teaching Environmental Science and Biology and has been teaching with Utah Online since 2013. She is passionate about teaching as well as learning and is delighted to have the opportunity to work with Utah Online students.
Heidi is the mother to 4 children and 4 stepchildren and resides in Farmington. When not teaching she enjoys traveling, hiking, and being with her family.
- hgarn@utahonline.org
- (801) 683-9394
- https://utahonline.webex.com/meet/hgarn
- https://sites.google.com/a/utahonline.org/hgarn/