Black, Diane | Mentor

Diane Black is a mentor for Utah Online High School. This is Diane’s 6th year with Utah Online. She received her bachelor’s degree from the University of Utah in Human Development and Family Science. She loves working with kids of all ages. Diane and her husband Lynn live in Salt Lake City with their seven children. Diane loves spending time with her family. She especially likes to take trips with them. Some of the places they have visited include: Yellowstone, Disneyland, The Grand Canyon, and Nauvoo. Someday she really wants to visit New York City. Diane and her family also enjoy camping, kayaking at Pine View, and hiking. Her children always ask for a pet when it is their birthday or Christmas. As a result they have many, many pets! These pets currently include 2 dogs, a cat, and two rabbits. She loves the summer season because of the garden her family plants together. They grow lots of their favorite summer vegetables and fruits.